Cross-channel marketing automation lets marketers deliver seamless and personalized experiences across the platforms and devices that prospects and customers prefer and rely on throughout a day. Regardless of whether shoppers favor shopping online or making a purchase at a physical establishment, studies have shown that up to 80% will spend time online researching products. As a result, every digital marketing channel, whether social media, email, a mobile app, or website must provide timely, relevant, and trustworthy content on every screen and each platform. To manage this seamless integration of channels, they require a simplified process and platform like’s Dot™ that saves time and achieves desired outcomes. That simplified process is cross-channel automation.

It enables businesses to leverage technology to run unified campaigns across various channels and analyze customer actions to boost customer engagement through audience segmentation, personalization, management, and extensive analytics. Print and digital brand compliance is handled through one dashboard. Cross-channel marketing provides direct mail automation that makes it easier to customize and personalize messaging and measure results as never before. Benefits include time and task efficiencies, better decision making, improved conversion rates, and stronger customer loyalty and longer retention. Cross-channel automation offers greater visibility for brands and builds trust by coordinating the timing and availability of valuable content, and SEM strategies to reach and connect with customers actively searching for products. Businesses stay in touch with customers along every stage of their buying journey.

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