A marketing plan is your plan for how to market your business. More specifically, a marketing plan identifies your target audience, the most effective channels on which to engage with them, and analytical insights to guide future strategy. It is your comprehensive approach to acquiring, sustaining, and growing your customer base and transactions, and it is vital to the success of your business. Your business could be the best at what it does in its respective industry, but it will be of no use if you rely strictly on word of mouth. Your marketing plan will help you take your promotion into your own hands, making sure that all who need your goods and services are well-aware of your existence and your success. Your marketing plan is sure to attract more customers, who you will satisfy with your exceptional goods and services, allowing you to claim even greater success in your marketing, further fueling and sustaining the cycle of business and promotion. As such, your marketing plan is a key pillar in how your business operates and should be given adequate consideration and budget. But as such, a lot goes in to devising a successful marketing plan. You may know everything there is to know about your industry front and back, but you may not be a marketing expert. If developing the perfect marketing plan is beyond the purview of you and your associates, then it may be time to bring in Marketing.com to handle the promotional aspects of getting your name in front of your ideal audience.