Yes. Direct mail for fundraising still works, and in fact, continues to play a crucial role in higher education efforts to engage with alumni and prospective donors. Higher education institutions have (or should have) a great deal of data about their audience. Direct mail thrives on data, and in particular, the ability to build on loyalty and long-term relationships through variable data printing, WebAR, QR codes, and augmented reality engagements that create immersive environments. Higher education fundraisers also value the intimacy it creates through both sight and touch when alumni retrieve their mail. Fundraising direct mail doesn’t face the same amount of competition for the prospect’s attention that email and digital marketing do daily, and it tends to stay around the home after it’s been opened or read the first time. That keeps the appeal and the image of a mascot or logo in the alumni’s consciousness longer. Most schools find it more efficient and discover cost savings by working with a professional direct mail company for printing, and postage. An experienced company will also find ways to track fundraising mailings to continually improve and gain greater success with the next direct mail fundraising.
Direct Mail Marketing Guide
Our direct mail marketing guide provides marketers, B2B, B2C, ecommerce, and small businesses with comprehensive knowledge on what direct mail is, how to structure direct mail campaigns, and the importance of integrating direct mail with all your digital and social media channels. Need help developing a direct mail marketing campaign? Contact us today.